PITTI 83 / PITTI W 11 || #stylosophiquegoestopitti - DAY 2


Ecco il resoconto della mia seconda giornata a Pitti! Di seguito trovate i post dedicati agli stand che mi hanno più colpito durante la mia visita. Cliccando sulla foto vi si aprirà in un'altra finestra direttamente il post dedicato al brand! Buona lettura :)


Licenza Creative Commons
Do not use any of those pics and text without my prior consent (ask for it: stylosophique@hotmail.it).
All the pics have to be linked back to this blog.
It's forbidden to use this pictures for commercial reasons.

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Licenza Creative Commons
Based on a work at www.stylosophique.com.
You are not allowed to use or modify the content. You can't use it for commercial reasons.
You can't share the pics/text/graphic without my prior consense and they have to be linked back to this blog.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at stylosophique@hotmail.it.

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